Labor Day Weekend - Time To BE FREE Of WORK And LABOR?

It's another Labor Day Celebration Weekend for Us in the United States of America, the good old USA!

Each of us and our families celebrate this time in different things and events.
For our family, it's a LONG weekend to relax, a SHORT WORK WEEK for us next week at our all important JOBS and CAREERS, and just good family time together!

How is it, that for all the LABOR DAY celebrating we do, and WORK EFFORTS, LABOR ORGANIZATIONS (aka UNIONS?), and HARD-WORKING PEOPLE like US that we are recognizing, we really seem to be celebrating NOT LABORING and NOT WORKING? Funny, Huh?

My take on LABOR DAY is that this is definitely a time to recognize and celebrate the HARD-WORKING MAN and WOMAN in the USA and around the world. These are REAL people from all walks of life and industries of the world who make a difference in the life and lifestyle for each of us.

BUT... I also think we can look at this time as a MOMENT to celebrate the NOT LABORING and NOT WORKING, whether for our jobs or work careers, or whatever! I think we should also celebrate our pursuit for PERSONAL FREEDOM, a business or adventure of OUR OWN that we develop, nurture, grow, and control for the long term benefit of ourselves and our families.

NO MORE DOMINATING CONTROL by all the corrupt and failing institutions and world powers that are destroying each of us and our families every day.

Now WHO or WHAT do I mean??

Our illustrious Financial Institutions and their leaders that have tanked our life savings and hard-earned money to line their greedy pockets at all cost, not caring a bit about the billions of real hard-working people who TRUSTED them with their money and financial future?

Our Corporate Institutions and leaders who built global businesses from the hard-earned dollars of you and me, the all-important consumers, who bought and supported their products and services? What happened to the QUALITY PRODUCT and TRUE CUSTOMER SERVICE PROMISED by these NO-INTEGRITY Charlatan Business Leaders who gave you what THEY wanted you to have, and not what YOU, the consumer NEEDED and DESERVED for insurance (AIG?), automobile (GM?), investment, technology, and other essential products and services you NEED for YOUR LIFE and LIFESTYLE?
Here again, greed and mismanagement rule, and WE the consumer are now asked to BAIL THEM OUT????

Our Government Institutions and leaders of Inefficient Operations, Overspending Management, Major Pork-Barrel Pet Projects for the few, and Closed-Door, Secret Decision Methods and Laws, affect ALL of US!!! Yet our ELECTED By The People OFFICIALS do NOT really ASK AND FOLLOW US, the very one's who have the most to win or lose, "HOW DOES THIS REALLY AFFECT YOU AND YOUR LIFE & LIFESTYLE"???
I don't need to name names or give details here. We all see media coverage everyday about these REAL government issues, but the funny thing is, we rarely see the REAL SOLUTIONS and REAL RESULTS, only the typical GOVERNMENT RESPONSE... MORE TAXES? MORE BUDGET CUTS? These ARE NOT SOLUTIONS... these are just MORE PROBLEMS!

I could go on more about some of our other Illustrious Instutions, like Education, Church & Religion, but they'll have to WAIT FOR ANOTHER HOLIDAY!

But this is the LABOR DAY Weekend Celebration. So celebrate, have fun, relax, or whatever you like.
And ponder the NOT LABORING, NOT WORKING, FREEDOM part of the weekend, and Take Back Control of Your Life and Lifestyle.
An online business may be a solution for YOU or even a step or SOLUTION for some of the PROBLEMS our Illustrious Institutions have really CREATED and DO NOT WANT TO SOLVE!!

Aloha & Mahalo/Thanks.