Hawaii Statehood - 50 Years Later - Admission, Celebration, Sovereignty?

This month marks a major milestone in the history of Hawaii, Statehood, and the Sovereignty movements in our Aloha State and around the world.

Many celebrate the 5oth anniversary of Hawaii's admission to the United States of America, as the 50th state in the union. This is also a time for personal reflection on the many changes, both good and bad, that have affected each of us who call Hawaii... "home".

The other side of the Hawaii Statehood coin is mired in the many sovereignty movements that have confused many like me for years.
Although I am an educated Hawaiian, I have not been able to find the interest or energy to learn and understand this sovereignty issue. It may be my western education, my lack of interest, or something else, but I have not yet seen the need or value of the sovereignty movement to me, my family, the Hawaii community, or the world we share.

I do, however, respect the time, energy, and effort of our Hawaiian leaders like Daniel Akaka and local sovereignty leaders to push forward on the movement they believe in.

We now open this post for your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism to help us all learn more about what we do not understand.

Aloha and Mahalo/thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Post Martin,

People have long forgotten the the 50 several States are indeed Sovereign. I really admire the leaders of "The Kingdom of Hawaii" and have been following closely along with the Lakota indain tribe here in the main land.

I could get into alot of detail explaining the diffence between being a naturalized "State Citizen" and a "US Citizen" but it would go above most people's heads. But tehre are INDEED 2 types of citizenship in this country.

Some of us follow the laws of the State God and others of us follow the laws of our father. You can only have one Master.

Some churches preach to follow the laws of the land. Well, yes that is true. The laws of the Land were written by Gods finger on some tablets and given to Moses.

OOOPS I guess they forgot about those ones. Just shut up and pay your tax slave!