Discoverers Day Is Long Past, BUT

It's never to late to Discover Your REAL Purpose in Life AND Make It Happen Everyday.
For me as a Family-focused Hawaiian Boomer, with 35-years of Corporate & Government Bank Examiner, Information Technology Analyst & Auditor experience, and 3-years in Internet, Niche, and Affiliate Marketing, I have learned and experienced much as a Life-long Learner, LIFE Observer and Advisor with REAL World Experience, and definitely NOT as a so-called Guru with lots of shared knowledge and skills, but little REAL experience and results!
If so-called leaders and gurus do not Talk the Talk AND Walk the Walk they expect us to follow, I see little value and credabilty in whatever they offer.

Now my Real Purpose is to be a BIG Ohana=Family (in Hawaiian) Watchdog for Family, Friends, Neighbors, & Local Small Business to Help Build their UNIQUE Brand & Business while Rebuilding Our Inspiration Economy on the Small Business basics, foundations, and essential practice of Customer Service FIRST and foremost!

Our Family & Business Blog provides our philosophy and practices that brand our unique style of doing business around the world.
Our free Business Training membership sites and many other no-cost or low-cost resources and tools are all available for anyone to start an independent home-based business to secure their family future.

B-FREE and Prosoer!

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